Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Pot of Gold

I have two amazing children. No further elaboration needed. And today, we celebrated the upcoming first birthday of my daughter (actual big day is Tuesday). Of course, this means family and copious amounts of food.

First, a little bit about the party. I went with a rainbow theme because I want to make sure her special day is far removed from the hub and the bub of the holiday season, plus who doesn't love a bright and cheery rainbow in the middle of a typically drab and dreary month? (Although today was super sunny.) And of course, this little girl truly is my pot of gold at the end of a very long and kind of twisted rainbow. And no, Skittles were not involved!

Since you know I'm not particularly arty when it comes to food presentation and decoration, I ordered a lovely rainbow-themed cake and smash cake from a local store, but I did prepare the rest of the eats.

The chow:
Needless to say, I have a punishing workout planned for bright and early tomorrow morning!

Since I don't put photos of the fam on this page, and since I didn't take any food pics today, we'll enjoy a little music. Instead of my beloved Beatles, I will give you another selection that was part of an amazing birthday song mix for the cake grand entrance, as created by the hubs.

Thanks for the inspiration, JZT!


  1. Birthday girl was beautiful, food was delish - perfect celebration!!


  2. Happy Bday to the littlest one!! Glad to hear the celebration and food were mahvelous.

    PS: PLEASE do submit a recipe to the contest!! No need for it to be an original - as long as it's properly attributed, all's good! :)

  3. Happy bday LF! Glad your mom played a cool song courtesy of her cool friend! ;)
