Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hey Now

Hey there peeps. I bet you thought I'd abandoned this blog and challenge, right?

Ah - not so, ye of little faith. Last week, as noted by Chef Hubs, I battled a fierce stomach virus that left me kitchen-free in every way possible. Then... hello spring! Due to the amazingly warm (and amazingly un-CLE-like) weather, we broke out the grill and fired away. In the future, when I can plan a little bit better, I will unleash many grill recipes for your reading pleasure, but this time we stuck to turkey burgers and such, courtesy of our local markets.

This week will be equally lackluster in blog posts for you. This will be the only one until probably next weekend, due to basketball and a work trip for me. Luckily, I have two meals to share with you tonight, thanks to yet another new baby in the 'hood.

If you have never participated in a meal train, you should. They are awesome. Especially if you are on the receiving end, which we were fortunate enough to be on when I popped out the babe last year. While I don't foresee another meal train for us in our near future, I still enjoy participating.

Meal Train meal:
Cheesy Beef Spirals
Source: Taste of Home Casseroles, Slow Cooker & Soups, Winter/Spring 2009

I also brought a lovely salad (IMO), ciabatta bread and dessert (not homemade - not enough time)

The meal looked awesome and it made a lot. I think Chef Hubs was salivating as I was making it. It is kind of like a deconstructed lasagna.

Our dinner:
Pasta Roll-ups with Turkey and Spinach 
Source: I'm not sure (was saved on my computer) - I think EatingWell?

Note: I did not include the cooked spinach because it makes me vom. I love raw spinach, but for some reason, I can't eat the green stuff cooked.

Tonight the hubs and I are on our own (with the exception of the snoozing baby) because the kid has baseball, so you won't get the benefit of his review. The hubs and I both liked this meal. It is a good weekend meal because it took about an hour (from start to completion, including cooking time).

Three Forks

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